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About me

Hi, my name is Pietro Zanotta and I'm an economics student in Switzerland. As you may suppose reading my articles, my main interests are mathematics and programming.

I specialize in the use of R and Python for data analysis and I am committed to constantly learning new tools and techniques to improve my knowledge and skills in the field of statistics and programming. I also started a journey into blockchain and now I'm a blockchain developer, passionate about DeFi and the NFT world.

To contact me see here.

About Algomath Muse

Algomath µse is a blog about my journey to knowledge and my aim is to write about what I learn in my free time with the hope that someone can take advantage of my words.

In fact, I have created this blog as a platform to share my experiences and insights in the field of statistics, numerical methods, blockchain and programming. If my readers can get some benefit from it, that's good for them.