print("hello world")

print("hello world")

Hello world, and welcome to this blog. This article is just an introduction to Algomath μse (is pronounced as "muse"), but first let me introduce myself: my name is Pietro Zanotta and currently I am an economics student in Switzerland (to read more see here). My main interests are programming and statistics and this blog is my chance to tell the world what I'm learning in my free time.

Let me take a step back and explain why I decided to start this journey in blogging. In January 2023 I wrote an article about web scraping in R (you find it here) and I discovered how useful is to share knowledge to deeply understand a topic. In fact not only it requires a deep comprehension of the topic but also great summary skills. Therefore, I decided to create my own blog and here we are.

Embark on this captivating journey with me, as we explore the boundless horizons of science. Together, we'll uncover the extraordinary in the ordinary and ignite our curiosity to new heights.